Hello World

For those of us who have been in the community for a long time, I think the modding sites of old days hold a special place in our hearts – in their many downloads and articles and blurbs, they contained a certain magic, an excitement, like that of exploring a building as a child or working on a car for the first time. Some live on, but many now are lost to the onward march of time as users moved on, domains expired, and inevitably, they went offline.

The community is still alive in other ways, mostly on the discord server as of the time of this writing, and the methods of recording our findings about all the inner functions of this series are stored in a much more… linear… fashion within the server’s channels, which makes the information all but lost in most cases. Given that, along with how I have long wanted to run my own website, it seemed high time I add a new entry in the list of websites dedicated to the Battlezone franchise.

In this site, I hope to add a number of useful tutorials showing how to work with the various elements at the disposal of modders so the lessons we individually learn can be cataloged and shared with others more efficiently. To flesh out this currently bare bones site, in the coming days I’ll be adding a number of tutorials introducing the basics of ODF modifications, followed by some more advance tutorials descending into some of the madness of my more complicated weapons/effects.

I hope to also provide a platform for others to share what they have learned, giving anyone with anything interesting to say a chance to write their own guides. Heaven knows that even I need to learn about AIPs and DLL scripting cause it’s been a while.

Given that this is my first time even creating a website, expect things to be a little rough around the edges until I’ve learned all the details of writing CSS, HTML, and javascript and how I can do basic things like eliminate the ludicrous amount of margins on either side of the main content area. While I do that, I’ll pop out something interesting every now and then, and hopefully this will turn into something the entire community can use.

I’ll see you in the Battlezone.
-Silver Sparrow